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Linux version works just fine on my pc.

That's awesome! Thanks for letting me know, very helpful! ^v^

I had the same issue with my Game, there is a setting on your page 'SharedArrayBuffers - it's marked as experimental, but seems to work fine (at least for my game)

I'm assuming you're talking about Shane's comment regarding input not working. Yes, SharedArrayBuffer is required for Godot builds - last time I tried to publish something without it, the launch was halted with a message stating I needed it, so it's already ticked. Thank you though, I appreciate you offering the suggestion!

hello I found a bug. if you hold an item before pressing space bar you can drag it around during the play phase to knock over any pin you want freely

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Fixed! Thank you so much! ^v^

(reference: v.G-hf1 submitted before the deadline)


Well done!

I can't even get past the first level. RMB does nothing, and neither does pressing any of the keyboard keys.

(1 edit)

Hmm. The web version's controls all work on my end, so unfortunately I'm not sure what the issue could be. Possibly it's because Itch's support for Godot builds is still experimental.

Thank you for letting me know; I will include additional downloadable builds tomorrow just in case.